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March 19th, 2008

Young People Who Rock
March 19th 10:57:36 AM

/Students for Saving Social Security is featured on CNN's Young People Who Rock!

CNN Anchor Nicole Lapin writes: "So maybe it’s not the sexiest issue on the campaign trail. But if it’s up to the founders of Students for Saving Social Security, it will be. The organization, known as S4, sees a chance to make the issue a hot one now.

'Now' is a big thing for the activist group that has a presence on colleges across the country. Its members fear that young people don’t think they have to care about Social Security until it’s too late. According to the Social Security Administration, the system is facing a $13.4 trillion shortfall.''

Young People Who Rock is a weekly interview series focused on people under 30 -- from CEOs to entertainers to athletes to community and political leaders -- who are doing remarkable things.

Check out Friday, March 21, at 3:30 p.m. ET to watch Patrick's LIVE interview!!!

Posted by Jo Jensen| Comments (0)

March 14th, 2008

James D'Angelo on TV
March 14th 02:13:05 PM

National Coordinator and Northwestern Chapter Leader James D'Angelo took part in a Social Security conversation that is being televised this month in Illinois.  James (on the left in the picture below) talked about the history of Social Security as well as the problems that lie ahead.  The solution he proposed?  Personal accounts, of course!

Posted by Ryan Lynch| Comments (0)

March 13th, 2008

McCain supports personal retirement accounts!
March 13th 12:12:12 AM

Posted by Jo Jensen| Comments (0)

March 12th, 2008

S4 Students attend event!
March 12th 11:50:55 PM

S4 students met up with Senator McCain today in Exeter, New Hampshire!

We handed out tshirts to people in the audience and asked the Senator about Social Security reform. It was great seeing so many people in our bright green shirts who cared about the issue!!

Posted by Evan Dent| Comments (0)
Great article: "The Obama Tax Hike"
March 12th 11:09:10 PM

Andrew Biggs, former deputy commissioner as the Social Security Administration azalyzes Senator Obama's plan for Social Security in an op-ed today in the Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Biggs writes:
"The problem is two-fold: His proposal would be a very large tax hike, yet it won't be enough."

"Mr. Obama's plan fixes less than half of Social Security's long-term deficit, making further tax increases inevitable. The Policy Simulation Group's Gemini model estimates that Mr. Obama's proposal, if phased as Mr. Obama suggests, would solve only part of the problem. A 10 year phase-in, for example, would address only 43% of Social Security's 75-year shortfall. And this is assuming that Congress would save the surplus from the tax increases -- almost $600 billion over 10 years -- rather than spending it, as Congress does now."

Read the entire article here.

Posted by Jo Jensen| Comments (0)

March 07th, 2008

March 07th 02:59:44 AM

S4 visited campuses in Maine! We got the Stop the Raid petition signed and distributed t-shirts to anyone and everyone interested!  Click here to sign our Stop the Raid petition

Posted by Evan Dent| Comments (0)
S4 Internship Applications Due March 9
March 07th 12:50:55 AM

If you haven't yet submitted your application for an S4 summer internship, you have just two days left!  Here are the position descriptions:

Activism Associate - S4 is always recruiting new members and expanding its base on college campuses. This position will involve assisting S4's Activism Director with event planning, building relationships with our campus chapters and attending conferences in the area. Strong communication skills, an outgoing, detail-oriented and energetic personality are a must.

Communications Fellow - S4 is seeking a student who is knowledgeable about Social Security reform and also has a background in communications. This position is research-oriented and will require weekly blogging on the S4 website, along with working with assisting S4's Communications Director with contacting media outlets. Experience with journalism and strong communications skills are essential.

Management Associate - The Summer Associate position is for a student who has an interest in fundraising in the non-for-profit sector with strong communication skills. This position will involve research, financial management, assisting the Development Director with donor correspondence and directly working with S4's Executive Director on strategic planning and high dollar donor pitches.

All interested applicants should email their cover letter, resume and writing sample to  Contact Ryan at 202-290-6880 if you have any questions.

Posted by Ryan Lynch| Comments (0)

March 03rd, 2008

McCain Update
March 03rd 01:55:08 PM

The Wall Street Journal conducted a policy interview with Senator McCain last week.  Here's the report from Bob Davis, whose article goes into detail about McCain's plan for Social Security:

On Social Security, the Arizona senator says he still backs a system of private retirement accounts that President Bush pushed unsuccessfully, and disowned details of a Social Security proposal on his campaign Web site.

Posted by Ryan Lynch| Comments (0)

February 29th, 2008

S4 in Texas!
February 29th 06:01:08 PM

This past week, S4 has spent time in Texas, visiting college campus' and attending Presidential Candidate events, trying to spread the message of reform in this crticial primary state.

As you can see from the pictures, our "Texas Cares about Social Security" t-shirts were a huge success with college students...and a great tool to demonstrate to the Presidential candidates that Social Security is a government program that, if elected, they MUST address! 

Posted by Evan Dent| Comments (0)
S4 at Liberty Fair!
February 29th 06:01:02 PM

Last weekend S4 rockstars Jo and Marco helped out the cause for reform by tabling @ the Liberty Fair held at Columbia University.  They reached out to the liberty-loving students and got over 100 to sign our petition and join the cause for social security reform! 

In addition to tabling, Jo was featured on a panel to discuss how young people can become active on issues important to our generation.  Clearly Social Secuity is one of those important issues!  Great work guys!!

Posted by Evan Dent| Comments (0)
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