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cheyenne wyoming - August 07th, 2007

more ostrich mobile action in wyoming

Ostrich Mobile X Country Trip IDAHO FALLS - August 06th, 2007

S4 stopped to spread some PRA love to baseball game attendees

Rooftop Afterparty - July 27th, 2007

Summer 2007 Afterparty in DC

Capitol Hill event - July 27th, 2007

painted suburban fun - July 17th, 2007

painting suburban all ss reform like

CRNC Convention - July 13th, 2007

College Republican National Convention

Bush On the Budget - July 11th, 2007

Democrat Debates at Howard University - June 28th, 2007

Nancy Pelosi at Campus Progress - June 27th, 2007

S4 Attends Eagle Forum - June 22nd, 2007

Conference in DC

S4 Asks Hillary Her Plan - June 20th, 2007

DC staffers gather at the Take Back America Conference in DC

S4 Rock Star Awards - June 14th, 2007

For those candidates who display a strong commitment to personal retirement accounts

S4 In NEW HAMPSHIRE - June 04th, 2007

S4 was in NH for a week asking the Presidential Candidates to take the lead on the Social Security issue!

NH Democratic Debate - June 02nd, 2007

s4 members hit up the debate

AARP Protest - May 31st, 2007

S4 Protests AARP CEO Bill Novelli

presidential debate sign waving - May 03rd, 2007

s4 members stood outside the Reagan Library waving signs during the first presidential debate

the ostrich and i travelled to cali! - May 02nd, 2007

take a slice SAN ANTONIO STYLE - April 19th, 2007

FREE PIZZA - April 13th, 2007

Former Congressman Tim Penney at the University of Minnesota - April 04th, 2007

Good speaker, good people, good food, and good times with Ryan Lynch

TEXAS - March 07th, 2007

S4 travelled to Texas to spread the PRA-love

CPAC 2007 - March 07th, 2007

Don't KISS your retirement savings goodbye!!

S4 at Georgetown - February 21st, 2007

Chuck Blahous Presentation

S4 heads South - February 19th, 2007

CSU Long Beach - January 28th, 2007

UC Riverside - January 26th, 2007

S4 members hosted a table

Cal Poly - January 25th, 2007

bake sale

S4 at San Jose State - January 24th, 2007

ostrich found students who agreed congress should get its head out of the sand

S4 goes to George Fox University - January 24th, 2007

students sent screws and ate hersheys kisses

University of Rhode Island Bake Sale - November 20th, 2006

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