Secure Our Future delivers ostrich eggs
March 24th 09:34:49 PM
Secure Our Future, the lobbying/activism companion to S4, stopped by several Senate offices on Friday to talk about the DeMint amendment voting. In addition to thanking some of the senators who voted in favor of stopping the raid on the Social Security trust fund, we gave out ostrich eggs to some of those who voted against the amendment (yes, those are real ostrich eggs in the picture below). In particular, Republicans Shelby, Bennett, Domenici, and Cochran all received eggs for switching positions from last year. Senators, get your heads out of the sand!
Posted by Ryan Lynch
Comments When are all of you gonna take your heads out of the sand about the fact that "Social Security Privatization" is a government program and does not actually involve private accounts?
Posted by TheTruth on April 02nd 03:08:33 AM