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Home > Secure Our Future 2008 > Dennis Kucinich
Dennis Kucinich
Congressman from Ohio

"I want everyone to understand this, that Social Security is rock solid through the year 2042 without any changes whatsoever. As president, I'll see to it that there will be no privatization."

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S4's Ryan got a chance to briefly talk with Congressman Kucinich in the spin room after the Democratic debates held at Howard University on June 28th, 2007. Click on the video below to hear the congressman's thoughts on the state of the Social Security system:

S4: Mr. Kucinich, I'm from Students for Saving Social Security.

Kucinich: That's a good idea.

S4: We're concerned about retirement security, and wondering what your plans are for reform.

Kucinich: I want everyone to understand this, that Social Security is rock solid through the year 2042 without any changes whatsoever. As president, I'll see to it that there will be no privatization. Wall Street wants to get its hands on Social Security to fuel the growth of their speculation, but Social Security is solid, and we need to make a commitment to the long-term security of Social Security. This administration has borrowed money from Social Security. By law, they have to return those IOUs, and I'm going to make sure that Social Security is available for your generation and for future generations. It's a basic right in a democratic society, retirement security.

Statements on Reform

  • "I staunchly oppose all efforts to privatize Social Security, thus diverting payroll tax dollars into individual accounts. I am against raising the retirement age, against raising the cap on taxable wages, and against means-testing for benefits."
    - Kucinich for Congress
  • "It needs to be said very clearly here that privatization is off the table. There will be no privatization when I'm elected president. I'll block any effort...

    "Social Security, as a matter of fact, is a better investment now than the stock market. There's a higher return. There's guaranteed cost-of-living increases. Privatization you have to worry about the value of your account."
    - Debate at Pace University, September 25, 2003


Congressman Kucinich with S4's Ryan after the PBS-Howard University debate

Congressman Kucinich with S4's Jo after the PBS-Howard University debate

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